End-to-end, Simple, Secure, and Interactive Online education Fee Management System from EduCloud.
Complete End-to-End solution
Simple and safe way to pay fees online
Customizable Fee Structure
Robust Fees Management Platform
Fee Reminders & Notifications
Bulk Data Import/ Export functionality with excel sheets
Customized GST fee receipts
Mobile Payment
Payment Gateway
Multi Organization Fee Setup
Fee Dashboard
An efficient way to organize your fee templates.
Manage and assign your fee templates in one location.
Collect fees, give discounts, installments, and import/ export fees through an intuitive and interactive dashboard.
Fee Payment in mobile App
Now pay your fees right from your Smartphone.
Track your upcoming and due fee payments.
Download and access payment receipts anywhere, anytime.
Easy to use templates
Create custom fee templates and assign them to students.
Get Life long Payment history.
Set fee-payment categories like one-time, monthly, quarterly.
Fee Records
Intuitive and user-friendly UI shows all fee records in one location.
Get status (Paid/Unpaid) of all fee records at a glance.
Get a detailed payment summary with perfect discount and installment calculations.
Get the complete history of fee records and fail-transaction records.
Payment gateway
Use our out-of-the-box integrations with industry-leading Payment Gateways.
Get payment directly in your bank account.
Safe and seamless payment.
Student Fee Records
A brief payment view for student fee records.
All fee records of students in one place, get status of records and take necessary action.
Get a well-organized list of all fee records that exceed the payment due date.
Give discounts, installments to students.
Export the details into Excel or PDF file.
Import / Export records with Excel
Save time by importing fee records directly into EduCloud with fee import.
Quick and easy way to import fee records from excel file.
Export fee data into excel at the click of a button.
Ready to have a completely online fee collection process in your institute?