Report Card and Certificate authentication using QR code

An innovative and elegant solution from EduCloud to combat fake report cards and certificates.

document verification using EduCloud QR code

How it Works?

issue QR code document to the student

Any Report card, certificate, ID card, bonafide certificate or any other document generated through EduCloud has an unique QR code printed on the document.
Issue the document to the student/ parent digitally, or as a hard copy.

scan and verify student document

Any third party can check the authenticity of the document on demand by just scanning the QR code through their smartphone.

scan successful, document verified

They are automatically directed to a page where they can view the information on EduCloud's official database.
The details on EduCloud's database cannot be counterfeited.
They can match the details with the information printed on the document/ soft copy.

Test it out today.
Scan the QR code in the document below to see the solution in action.

try the QR code verification solution try the QR code verification solution

Benefits of using EduCloud to generate QR code based documents

Easiest and safest way to avoid counterfeit certificates and documents.
On-demand verification.
It helps the educational organization to build a reputation for security, integrity and strengthens its brand.
Results in faster verification and acceptance of submitted documents which is beneficial to students.
Protects the privacy of both the document holder and the document issuer.
Works well for both electronic and printed report cards, mark sheets, certificates, transcripts, and documents.
It can only be generated by the issuing educational organization and cannot be faked or tampered with by anyone else.
Generate Reports with QR code Now!